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Stitching A Better Future: Is Vietnam's Boom In Garment Manufacturing Good for Women?

This research from ActionAid Vietnam and ActionAid UK in cooperation with Aid for social
protection program foundation in Vietnam (AFV) aims to review whether the expansion of the
garment and textile

Not Just Lip Service: Advancing women's economic justice in industrialisation

This report sets out an alternative for economic transformation underpinned by a rights-based, progressive version of industrial policy that respects and advances women’s rights. While it offers the

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Double Taxation Treaties in Vietnam: Red Carpet for whom?

This policy brief looks at the implications of Vietnam’s DTTs and makes recommendations to minimize impacts of DTTs on Vietnam’s ability to derive the greatest benefit for its citizens from its

How much does it cost women for men to be the family's backbone?

This policy brief provides a summary of key policy issues arising from research undertaken by ActionAid Vietnam with the support of the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. It follows on

Unpaid Care Work: Redistribution for Sustainable Development

Since 2015, ActionAid Vietnam has been undertaking a long-term research and advocacy programme focusing on unpaid care work and the impact that unequal distribution of unpaid care has on women, men

Chương trình Tình nguyện tăng cường Tình hữu nghị giữa Việt Nam và Hàn Quốc

Ngày 27/02/2019 tại Trường Mầm non Cẩm Tú (Quận Bình Tân, TP. HCM) đã diễn ra Chương trình Tình nguyện với sự tham gia của 36 tình nguyện viên của Tập đoàn KYOWON và Tổ chức ChildFund Hàn Quốc cùng

ActionAid Vietnam attends 10th anniversary of Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Southeast Asia

On May 13, 2019, representatives of ActionAid Vietnam attended a conference celebrating the 10th anniversary of Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Southeast Asia with the theme "Achievements & future prospects"

ActionAid Vietnam Country Strategy Paper 2018-2023

The ActionAid Vietnam Country Strategy Paper 2018 - 2023 (CSP VI) sets out three priorities for the 2018-23 period, including: improving people’s capacity to build safe communities, and adapt to

Gender Responsive Public Service: Where is the answer for Vietnam?

The report “Gender responsive public services – where is the answer for Viet Nam?” was carried out by ActionAid Vietnam and its partners with aiming at contributing inputs to promote accountability

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Public Expenditure on Education, healthcare, and transportation in selected provinces in Vietnam

This research seeks to develop a baseline on state expenditure on public services with a focus on education, healthcare and public transportation services to create a foundation for monitoring and